Monday, March 18, 2013

'The Mosaic Egg Note Card' Project

"Crafts for Kids: Write a Letter to the Easter Bunny"

by Jacquelyn D. Taylor

'Mosaic Egg Note Cards'
created by a couple of our Young Crafters 

 Just in time for Easter, this wonderful project is sure to get the creative juices going for young arts and crafts lovers.  The published article entitled; Crafts for Kids: Write a Letter to the Easter Bunny, shares a little history about mosaic art, the lesson behind the craft and step by step directions for create your very own 'Mosaic Egg Note Card'.

Click on the link through out this post to view the article in its entirety. 

Getting Started: What You will Need

Scrapbook Craft Papers
Cut pieces in different shapes and sizes.
Once your pieces are cut, place aside until you are ready to glue
them to the face of your note card.

Place the oval shape slightly over the folded edge and trace.
Tip: Adjusting the oval shape over the fold will allow you
to create a longer or shorter fold.

Following the traced line, cut out your egg shape.

Horizontal and Vertical Example
Tip: To create vertical note card, draw a line across one
curved end of the egg and cut a straight edge.  This will allow it
to stand vertically.

Place cut pieces on note card to create a Mosaic design.
Tip: As you arrange your pieces, be sure to
 leave a little space between each piece so the back
ground (grout) color can show through.

Arranging and Designing the Mosaic Picture
Tip: Using a pencil eraser, move and arrange small cut pieces until
you have reached a desired design.  The eraser allows you to
move the pieces with ease. 

Time to glue each paper piece onto the face of your note card.
Use a paint brush to carefully apply small amounts of glue.
Elmer's Rubber Cement works best.
Tip: If using Elmer's white glue, spread thinly as too much
will cause your note card to buckle.

The design is complete. Now you can trim the edges.
After all pieces are glued, carefully trim around the
face cover of your note card for a finished look.
From inside face cover, trim edge.
Trim carefully to avoid cutting into the shape of your
Egg as shown.
The Completed 'Mosaic Egg Note Card'
Once your card is finished, decorate it and write your message to the Easter Bunny inside. 
In the example shown, ribbon and a Easter Egg sticker
has been added for a finished look.

 Share your Mosaic Designs with Us.

 Post a comment or artful creation 
of your
'Mosaic Egg Note Card' 

All Rights Reserved
              HAPPY CRAFTING !!           
PARENTAL NOTE: Skill Level for this Project is: MODERATE.  Adult guidance is recommended for younger children. 

1 comment:

  1. A huge thank you to all visitors who viewed and shared their excitement about the Mosaic Egg project. Even our London, England friends included this holiday craft in various publications for youngsters to enjoy.

    Again, thank you! Continue to stay connected for many more artsy projects and creations.

    Best Regards,
    J. Taylor
